William Eggleston is an American photographer and is one of the most influential photographers of the last half centaury. Eggleston is best known for his colour photography and has been names the father of colour photography, he really has the ability to fine the beauty but somehow also darkness to the subject, Eggleston photographs very simple and everyday object but seems to characterize them by using colour.
Eggleston’s latest work was shown at Victoria Miro Gallery which I went to see. It was a small exhibition with only 22 photographs. The photo of which really stood out was this one called ‘Untitled’ (Bathroom with pink curtain, Cuba) 2007, this photo stood to me as it so empty, and I felt lost looking at it. Even through the light is shinning through and the bright pink curtain makes me think of sadness and sorrow I’m not sure why but it does.
Eggleston has had an amazing career but recently he received a life time Achievement Award at the International Centre of Photography (ICP) Infinity Awards from Gatty Images and lately he has had a documentary made about him. 'I had an old Canon and a Leica,' he says, 'but I didn't know the first thing about photography. Never learnt it off anybody either. It quickly came to be that I grew interested in photographing whatever was there wherever I happened to be. For any reason.’ I like that Eggleston leant photography from getting stuck in to it. I feel that this is the best why to understand and to really get to grips with photography.
William Eggleston's Guide by John Szarkowski
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